Terms of Service



Please allow up to 7 business days for order verification, processing, and printing, and an additional 3 business days for delivery within the UK, and additional postage time from the UK for international shipping.*

All orders are shipped via Royal Mail including international orders. You are responsible for any customs tariffs your package may incur upon import to your country. Please note international mail ends up being delivered by the local postal carrier company. If there is an issue with the delivery after it enters a different country it is completely out of the hands of the Royal Mail.

We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged shipments. Customers are responsible for paying additional shipping and handling fees to have the order re-shipped, if available. The buyer assumes all responsibilities of claims made with the shipping carrier.

*These are estimated timeframes and are not guaranteed.

Copyright and Trademarks 

All content on our website is protected by United Kingdom and International copyright laws.